Apex Legends takes place in the Titanfall universe which has been developed by Respawn Entertainment. Surprisingly, the battle royal style game features no Titans. Instead, the action takes place between humans and robotic heroes called Legends — all characters carry special powers and can equip lethal weapons. A typical battle can have a team of three and raking up to 60 players which translates to a total of 20 teams. Respawn promises to multiply the fun by adding more content — unlockable Legends, weapons, themed loot and more. In the meantime, we decided to compile a list of the Apex Legends wallpapers. Here are the best Apex Legends wallpapers in 1080p and 4K resolution for your PC or Mac.

1. Meet the Legends

The game features eight different Legend characters who possess a special power and abilities with the weapons. The Legends are Bangalore, Bloodhound, Caustic, Gibraltar, Lifeline, Mirage, Pathfinder, and Wraith. Picking a Legend for your team is a tough task. Download Wallpaper in Full HD resolution

2. Breathtaking Battle Arena

An exhilarating view of the Apex Legends map is genuinely astonishing. The map doesn’t work like typical battle royale since it carries designated loot zones. I know it’s difficult to spot the loot zones while the Apex flags are visible. Pay a quick visit to Apexmaps.io to know about the loot tiers in every area. Download Wallpaper in 4K resolution

3. First, Let’s Take a Selfie

Before you start shooting each other to score points, it’s important to remember that the game is meant for fun and teamwork. So while you’re not grueling through a fast-paced shooting session, take out a moment check the kooky bunch posing for you. Make sure you know which hero to pick for your team. Download Wallpaper in Full HD resolution

4. Thirsty for Some Blood

Bloodhound is a technological tracker who carries the ability called Eye of the Allfather which helps him reveal the other players even though the structures, spot the traps and clues. With the Beast of Hunt ultimate ability enabled, Bloodhound’s vision lights up the enemies as well as their footprints while turning the screen gray. In a nutshell, he’s a wealthy, bloodthirsty hunter. Download Wallpaper in 4K Resolution

5. The Terrific Three

A bloodthirsty tracker, a skirmisher, and a medic can be a deadly team that can score a lot of kills to win the battle. This amazingly crafted wallpaper is a perfect example that states — choose your team wisely. Download Wallpaper in Full HD resolution

6. Do Know Harm

Lifeline is a combat medic who appears to be cheerful and callous but won’t hesitate to call out blood. However, she wants to make this world a better place. Don’t we all? Here’s a beautiful artwork where Lifeline is helping an injured soldier. Download Wallpaper in 4K resolution

7. Raise the Bar

This game does not look friendly towards kids. Although, what’s with an attack of the clones all round? The bottle green tone of this wallpaper gives out a typical mercenary hangout vibe. Download Wallpaper in 4K resolution

8. Take a Chill Pill

Lifeline is one of the liveliest Legends, and it is apparent from her demeanor. Check out how she is posing with a victory sign and chilling even in the most fast-paced battles. Download Wallpaper in Full HD

9. Into the Dunes

Apex Legends game covers different environments, and the deserted area reminds of the Rage game. If you haven’t played that game, then I bet you must’ve watched Mad Max: Fury Road movie. Download Wallpaper in Full HD resolution

10. The Saints Are Coming

Gibraltar is the defender whose role is of a shielded fortress. He specializes in rescuing his team members out of sticky and dangerous situations. After his father lost an arm trying to save him and his friend from a mudslide, he dedicated his life in saving others. And that smile on the little girl’s face is a priceless reward. Download Wallpaper in 4K resolution

11. Chappie, Is That You?

Doesn’t Pathfinder remind you of Chappie the robot from the movie Chappie? Well, the Pathfinder is a highly optimistic smart being who specializes in scouting and surveying locations. Download Wallpaper in 4K resolution

12. The Eye of the Soldier

Anita Williams aka Bangalore is an exceptional soldier who lost a family and still puts up a tough fight. Her training, skills and ferocity is visible from her look. Download Wallpaper in Full HD resolution

13. For the Love of Minimalism

A wallpaper with a black background and white vector image of the Caustic is specially picked for the lovers of dark mode and minimalism.

All Legends Must Die

The popularity of the Apex Legends skyrocketed in the first week, and it turned out to be infectious. A similarly-named VR game called Apex Construct witnessed 4,000% spike in visits to its game page on Steam. Not only that, the game clocked more sales in a week than the entire 2018. Apex Legends may not have the Titans and be different from the Titanfall series, but it packs a lot of promise. The players think that the paywalled unlockables and microtransactions carry steep price tags in the Apex Legends. That’s one of the biggest hurdles that EA will face in the coming months. Especially if it plans to compete with Fortnite and PUBG. Apex Legends is available from Origin store on PC. For playing on consoles, it requires respective Xbox Live and PlayStation Plus subscription to play it on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles respectively. Next up: Have you checked these cool Fortnite wallpapers in HD and 4K resolution for your PC or Mac? The above article may contain affiliate links which help support Guiding Tech. However, it does not affect our editorial integrity. The content remains unbiased and authentic.

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